Questions and Answers
What are some good Abdominal exercises for belly fat and ab muscle build? Any websites, videos, tips. Or any other exercises for ab build and belly fat burner.

Billy blanks tae bo is great for building muscle and fat. It combines both cardio and resistance training in the one workout.
Building muscle will eventually lead to burning more fat because your body uses up more energy to sustain the muscle.
But a combo of cardio and weights should give you the results you are looking for.
I do a combo of tae bo and walking, jogging, riding and i have lost 6 kilos in 9 weeks.
Plus i joined this website, (its free)
Its helped me stay on track.
Good luck!
you can buy the dvd"s from both those web sites or at your local sports store.

Well not exactly.
There is no such things as spot reduction of fat which means that if you exercise your stomach doesn"t mean the fat you burn will come from your stomach.
However, if you continue exercising and burning fat then you will burn fat all over including your belly. Good luck in your weight loss endeavors.
How to burn fats on the abdominal region? Should I stop all kinds of sweet food, or this won"t help either?
I DO practice crunch ups, but it doesn"t help at all. Almost the same fat layer since 6 months ago….
Any creative ideas? What excercises, food, habits whatever? Please help, thank!!!

Lol no wonder you still have the same layer of fat you did from 6 months ago. Doing crunches is only to build muscle, not burn fat. In order to get rid of your abdominal fat you need to do cardiovascular exercise AND change your diet. Cut out all sweets and fats. Start eating foods that are high in fiber and protein. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Losing fat is not easy, it takes a lot of commitment and sacrifices. No more fast food, no more candy, no more soda, even milk that is not NON-fat has to go, because any other kind of milk, even "low fat" contains a lot of fat. You need to get into the habit of looking at nutritional labels and counting your calories. In order to lose fat you need to burn more calories than you consume. It"s that simple. Ideally you should be doing around 40-45 minutes of cardio everyday! But if you can"t, a bare minimum is 20 minutes. Any less and you might as well do nothing because it takes a certain amount of time for your body to cut into your fat stores as a source for energy.
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11 reasons why you"re not losing belly fat – Fox News
Fox News11 reasons why you"re not losing belly fatFox NewsExcess abdominal fat—particularly visceral fat, the kind that surrounds your organs and puffs your stomach into a "beer gut"—is a predictor of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, and some cancers. If diet and exercise haven"t done …
Abdominal Exercises That Burn Fat
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