Questions and Answers
I wanna get rid of my belly fat from having to kids =[ it is ugly and nasty and I hate it! People tell me only if you have money to get it fixed then you cant get rid of it but there has to be a way lol... Thanks.

Hi dear,
follow these guidelines to get rid of belly fat
- Start exercising. Getting a flat stomach involves losing belly fat. To achieve this, start a workout routine. If possible, exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. If this isn"t possible, strive to exercise for at least 90 minutes a week – running, power walking, swimming or biking.
- Strengthen the core muscles. In conjunction with losing belly fat, choose workouts that exercise the core muscles. Effective workouts include dancing, pilates, crunches, and knee and leg lifts. For the best result, keep your abdominal muscles tight during core workouts.
- Improve your diet. Bad eating habits can impede weight loss efforts. Eliminate fatty foods and sugary foods from your diet. Choose lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables, and eat no more than 130 grams of carbs a day.
- Eliminate alcoholic beverages from your diet. Drinking more than two alcoholic beverages a day can raise cortisol levels in the body and decrease the metabolism. Cortisol increases hunger, and a slower metabolism makes it harder to burn fat and calories – especially in the abdomen.
- Drink plenty of water. Water flushes excess sodium and fluids from your body, which can help you achieve a flat stomach. Additionally, drinking water fills your stomach quicker, and you"re less likely to overeat.
- Control stress. Being stressed or feeling anxious can also release high levels of cortisol. In addition to increasing appetite, this hormone redistributes fat to the abdomen. Learn how to control or reduce stress. Practice breathing exercises, workout or get a massage.
- Reduce abdominal bloating. A low-fiber diet and certain foods can produce abdominal bloating. This prevents a flat stomach. Increase your fiber intake to fight bloating, and limit trigger foods such as beans, raw vegetables, lactose and starches. Take a digestive enzyme tablet to eliminate bloating.
Good Luck
What exercises burn fat or belly fat to be in particular.

Cardio Cardio Cardio… Jogging, cycling. Ab exercises won"t burn tummy fat fast and a lot of people are misled about that. Ab muscles are small and they don"t burn fat fast. The largest muscles of your body are your leg muscles and they will burn that belly fat right off. I suggest you just do cardio for the first 8-12 weeks as much and as long as you can, an hour or more a day to burn at least 600 calories per day.
I want to lose belly fat, but I don"t know which exercises to do and for how long. I"m not trying to build strong abs, just a flat one.
If anyone can give me a routine, it would be greatly appreciated.
Oh yeah, I"m already in a diet, I just started walking 1 hour a day and I cycle for 30 minutes everyday just in case that means anything.

Hello! Congrats on your decision to take care of your body!
In terms of exercise for your belly fat, you are most of the way there already. Often, belly fat comes from too much release of the stress hormone cortisol, secreted by the (outer cortex of the) adrenal glands.
The absolute best thing you can do for your adrenal glands to reduce cortisol and burn fat is WALKING. The first 20 minutes you burn sugar, after that you burn fat. Cycling is fine for this purpose as well, as long as you keep your pulse under 125 — 120 is better. 90 minutes is the optimum time to walk or cycle at a 110 – 120 pulse rate. After that, you will start to release cortisol again, which will work against you. The exception to this is if you have pain. Exercising over pain will also release cortisol, which is exactly what you are trying to reduce, so if your knees, hips or feet start to hurt, it is time to stop.
If you really want to step it up, add "interval training" every other day. What I"m about to say will probably sound crazy, since we Americans tend to have an idea that "more is better," but the main fat burning and muscle building hormone (of the 6 total we have in our bodies) is Growth Hormone – GH. It is also our "anti-aging" hormone. It is stimulated under very rigid, precise conditions. If you go past these conditions, your body will release cortisol, which blocks GH, and your effort will be wasted. Here goes:
Take your resting pulse rate for one full minute. Write it down.
Now work out however you choose (rowing machine, jumping jacks, running in place . . .) as hard as you possibly can for exactly ONE MINUTE, THEN STOP. Take your pulse for one minute. That is your peak pulse. Continue taking your pulse for one minute until your pulse returns to the resting rate. If it takes five minutes, that means rest for five minutes before beginning again, then work out as hard as you can for one minute again, then rest until your pulse is back to the resting pulse rate. Continue repeating this pattern until it takes more than 5 minutes for your pulse to return to the resting rate. If your pulse takes more than 5 minutes to return to resting rate after just one interval of one minute, then that is all you do — you are done.
Do this every other day. Over time, you will recover to resting rate faster, and will be able to do more intervals in a row before losing the ability to recover (resting pulse in 5 minutes).
I know this sounds crazy, and it couldn"t possibly do anything, but it does. THIS is EXACTLY how to stimulate growth hormone. If you go beyond your ability to recover in under 5 minutes, you will stimulate cortisol.
If you recover in under 2 minutes, you can increase to 90 seconds. If you still recover in under 2 minutes, increase to 2 minutes. Again, once you lose the ability to recover in under 5 minutes, you are done for the day.
The most benefit of the exercise happens during the recovery phase after the exercise, which triggers the fat burning hormones — not during the exercise itself. If you exercise past your point of recovery, the bulk of the benefit is lost.
Alternating days between this interval work out and the 90 minutes of aerobic (walking/cycling) is the most efficient way to burn fat available.
I understand that this goes against everything all of you gym rats have ever learned about working out, but the data is solid — based on how the endocrine (hormone) system works in the human body.
Also, GH peaks between 12 and 4 am, only during deep sleep cycles. A normal sleep cycle from light to deep is 90 minutes. So if you are not sleeping by 10:30 pm, until at least 5:30 am (less than 7 hours of sleep will also cause a release of cortisol because it is a stress to the body), you will not receive the maximum benefit of the hormone system in your body responding to your exercise.
The other key factor is this: it is physiologically impossible to burn fat in even the tiniest bit of sugar. 2 oz of apple juice or orange juice will shut down your body"s ability to burn fat for 8 hours, no matter how much exercise you are doing. It is not about calories, it is about hormones. We have 6 hormones that burn fat and 3 hormones that store fat. Bread (even whole wheat), pasta, cereal, rice (even brown), etc. Turns into sugar as soon as the amylase enzyme in your saliva acts on it. Sugar will trigger insulin, which is a fat storing hormone.
Lots of veggies, some fruit (as many apples as you want, preferrably organic), nuts and seeds and legumes (beans), and 3 – 6 oz of animal protein per day, combined with the exercise will get you where you want to go.
Good luck!
Dr. Kim.
Stomach fat burner 5 min workout
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Fast Belly Fat Burning Exercises
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