Questions and Answers
I would like to lose just a bit of weight. Probably 5-7 lbs. I don"t have much time, but I can do easy activities, and i would like some simple food ideas. If anyone could help me, that would be great.

You are just interested in just watching so it does not get out of hand in few years.
So eat little less and do little more, buy a pedometer, put it on note the average miles per day then increase it a little by doing few more chores or adding an after meal walk. Go to a library and add some exercise routine, few bends to care care of the curves, you can find them on the Internet also.
This next articles tell it all.
How I went From Normal To Obese In 30 Years
Here is the help I have made it little bit funny for you, hope you will enjoy it and use it to your advantage, as specially you will find tips on looking and feeling thin, they are in the how to increase your height article. So read it and enjoy it. And do as you please.
It is your home.
It is your kitchen.
It is your place of work or your school.
But go visit some gym; they are in the yellow page, so take a tour.
My experience:
No problem for first few years till 1975 years.
Added a cup of coffee to my intake nothing changed 30 years later, 365 x 30 x18 = 197100 cal in that time frame = 54.75 pounds.
All this 54.6 pounds of weight, more then the ideal weight can be attributed to a one tea spoon of sugar, in a cup of coffee every day.
After adding some 60 pounds this way yeastier day only I started evaluating the weight gain and I came up with this calculations.
How about those teaspoons of sweet nothings, sugar only?
I had only one problem I did not work out that 18 cal every day by just straightening up the kitchen and scrubbing that kitchen sink very day and keeping it like new.
Work Place:
I had a parking place very close to the door so I did not get chance to walk enough to work those 18 cal off.
Ha!, ha!!, ha!!!, this is where I acquire knowledge but my problem is that I just realized that 18 cal of sugar in coffee has made me fall in the obese category, from normal in 30 years.
I use to walk 6 miles to school both ways up and I am not kidding, I lived at one end of the hill and school was at the other end of the hill. So up the hill down the hill to school and same thing coming back.
you need to understand the weight loss mechanism. Believe me you can eat any thing and every thing as long as you do not eat more then you burn up by doing things (not necessarily exercises, but exercises are very good for you and provide a regimental way to loose weight).
I am enclosing few of my article just for your info, pleas read them and you will understand the actual mechanism, and do what pleases you.
Read my articles and do as you please, if you read between the lines then you will understand the weight loss mechanism.
Once you understand some things it is easy to achieve it.
It does not matter if you eat very little, but if you are use to 3 large hardy meals then after eating them your stomach send the signal to the system to provide blood to it. So doing any strenuous exercises can be dangerous. So it is not recommend, but a slow walk after eating is highly recommended. In the olden day it is a must about 15 minute or so.
You can do it.
It is possible to achieve it.
But read all the enclose articles and do as you please.
Mostly in the thighs, arms and lower stomach. Preferably quickly.

Painless weight loss? If you"re desperately trying to squeeze in workouts and avoid your favorite high-calorie treats, it can seem like there"s nothing pain-free about it.
Yet while eating healthier and slipping in exercise does take some work, it really doesn"t have to require heroic effort. Making just a few simple lifestyle changes can pack a big weight loss punch over time
Choose a physical activity such as walking, jogging and swimming that works for you. Keep in mind that exercise must begin with a few minutes of a warm-up session. If this is not done, then the entire effort could go waste.
Rely on moderate exercise rather than overdoing it. The old saying of “no gain without pain “is now only looked upon as a myth. Today the term pain means "stop". The theory now is to push yourself only to the level that is easy to achieve
Taking steps ahead. Walking is one of the most prevalent forms of exercise, which is practiced by people of all walks of life, irrespective of age or social status. In fact, with zero investment it results in great benefit. Good Luck
I don"t like how I look. I call myself fat all the time. How do I get rid of fat on my thighs, stomach and my upper arms. I don"t want my family to know though. Is there any easy/simple workout ideas I can do without equipment and while hiding? I don"t eat breakfast really. It"s very rare for me to. I don"t eat much for lunch. It"s normally just a water bottle. I eat dinner and snacks. I walk home from school almost everyday after school too. That"s normally 20-30 minutes. Can someone PLEASE help me loose this weight!!?? I have wide hips so I know I have spanish curves. Please help me!

You need to eat more honestly. Your body is starving, and its not helping you lose anything. If you wanna lose weight, eat healthy things like toasted whole wheat bread for breakfast with some fruit and maybe some orange juice. For lunch have a ham sandwhich with lettuce and tomato on it and maybe a fruit or extra vegetable on the side with your water. Always make sure you have a vegetable on your plate with dinner and try to switch to whole grain pastas, rice and breads. Snack in fruits in between meals. I guarantee you"ll start to see a change in your body and start to have more energy too.
Stunning Women Before and After Weight Loss Transformations!
5 Easy Weight-Loss Tips That Really Work – Huffington Post
5 Easy Weight-Loss Tips That Really WorkHuffington PostI am not a fan of rigid diets, which restrict entire food groups for a short time, but rather I advocate for healthy eating and developing simple strategies which clients trying to lose weight can stick to for the long haul. Below are simple strategies …
Simple Easy Weight Loss
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