Questions and Answers
Morning: smoothie; 1 apple, banana, 1 cup strawberries (no sugar) and 2 cups of old fashioned oatmeal; 1 1/2 cup milk, 1 tablespoon peanutbutter, cinnamon
Lunch; sandwich; lettuce, 1/2 avocado, roast beef, mayo, whole grain bread 2 sliced
Dinner; oatmeal again (with eggs)
Kinda bad huh?

It depends what your "diet" is meant to achieve. If you are trying to stay healthy and lose weight, stick with low carbs. A diet drink in a morning (Slimfast) with a large banana blended in for extra energy. A meat salad sandwich for lunch, but NOT white bread (it goes straight to the waistline). For dinner meat or fish and vegetable. Snack on fruit and berries. Never eat carbs after 5pm. Different for night workers.
Finally set yourself easy goals. 1lb lighter in 1 week. 2lb lighter after 2 weeks until you reach your goal weight. Eg lose 14lb in 14 weeks. Weigh yourself every morning so that you know how it"s going but just record your weight once a week.
Try to exercise even if it"s not your thing. A brisk walk (and I mean brisk) of thirty minutes per day 5 days a week is as good as anything. Get your heart pumping but to the point where you could still hold a conversation. This is the optimum heart rate for fat burning.
Finally. This is not a quick fix. It"s a lifestyle.
As far as my lifting weights goes, I"m fine. I lift weights four times a week and 5 starting next week, but along with the muscle I"m also putting on a little bit of fat. If I jump rope for 20-30 minutes 3-4 times a week, will this be good to burn off the fat without affecting my muscle building?

I think you could be lifting weights too oftern. You consider pushing yourself harder by lifting heavier weights but with less repition. The idea of low weight high rep is a myth.
You might find it easier to have a friend spot for you whilst you weight lift. For example I can only bench press 35kg on my own, because I can"t flick it up to push it as my biceps arnt strong enough – but if I have a friend spot for me I can bench press 45kg and I definatly feel the aces and progress from that the next day.
You should only really be doing free weights for about half an hour. Try to do 3 different difficulties of weights, drop the reps as you increase the weights. For example mine tend me be something like :
35kg x 12
40kg x 10
45kg x 8 and I will definatly feel this the next day even if it isn"t really tht much time spent.
If you were up for it and you were conscentrating on up body, you might be able to repeat all of this 3 times, but then you really would ache for several days afterwards.
Exercise will only affect about 20% of what you do but the other 80% will be from diet. Cut out junk and processed foods and eat regular small meals every 2-3 hours. Make sure you eat before you exercise, eat something like carbohydrates not pure sugar otherwise you will crash and feel ill quickly after the iniatial energy rush. Try eating pasta an hour before, for example. You may also like to drink a sugary drink whilst you exercise, I find it helps me to maintain energy and I"m not putting on weight because I"m burning it off and more through afterburning even when I"ve finished lifting weights.
I"m not overly large, I just want to get in trim for the summer. I"m a size 10 (uk) and average height for a 17year old female. Whats the best way to tone up by thighs and bum? Or pretty much in general? I have a pretty good diet, all homemade food, drink mostly water, and walk to most places. What effect ways have you found to tone up for summer?
Thanks for any helpful answers! Xxxx.

Hey I just found this awesome article on "the science behind weight loss". I got it from dietnation.com but I"ll paste it here to save you the trouble:
"Your body needs a certain amount of calories each day to maintain performance of normal activities, such as walking, breathing, sleeping, and thinking. Depending on your size, your body will require a different amount of calories each day.
On the flip side, if you eat too few calories your body will think its starving. This phenomenon goes back to the days of the caveman, when cave people weren’t really sure when or where they would find their next meal. The body learned to store excess calories as fat for future use. Well, we no longer live like that as we, fortunately and unfortunately, have unlimited access to food thanks to modern conveniences. What this means is, if you’re not eating enough calories your body will store the calories it does get as fat rather than trying to burn those calories. That sounds counterproductive, and it is. That’s why it’s important to feed your body regularly with the right amount of calories from the right sources.
One pound of fat equals about 3500 calories of stored energy. To lose weight you need to eat fewer calories each day or get your butt to the gym and burn off those calories. It’s that easy – you don’t need to be a mathematician to lose weight, you just need to start taking a look at some of your daily habits. Losing weight could mean shaving an extra 250-500 calories off your daily intake. Start your morning with a tall latte? Just one Vanilla Latte could pack an extra 250+ calories onto your daily caloric intake. By simply substituting your latte with regular coffee or green tea you could reduce your caloric intake substantially. If you want to try more exercise, calorie-burning activities such as walking to work, going for a jog with a friend, or taking the kids on a bike ride are all fun and easy ways to increase your daily activity level.
It is also important to remember that you need to eat the right calories from the right sources to lose weight and to maintain your weight loss. A meal of jelly beans and ding dongs that equals your daily caloric needs will not help you lose weight because these types of food are not nutrient sources that your body can use efficiently.
Eating right is a vital component of any weight loss plan, but it"s also very important to ensure that you get enough exercise. Combine aerobic exercise activities (also know as cardio) like walking, jogging or cycling with weight training (it doesn"t have to be anything too intense, but it helps a lot to lift some weights) to maximize your weight loss."
I really like how this explains weight loss! Also while I was searching around I found this fantastic video which you should definitely check out, has a pile of great tips for how to shed the pounds: Http://tinyurl.com/lose-weight-be-happy
I really hope this helps, the fact that you"re looking for help is a great start!
Good luck
3 things to know before starting a juice cleanse for weight loss – Fox News
Fox News3 things to know before starting a juice cleanse for weight lossFox NewsI developed a mini juice cleanse program for my clients that combines nutrient-dense juices and a simple eating plan that includes healthful, filling foods, and in less than a week you can expect to lose about 5 pounds. Steer clear of any juice cleanse …
Easy Fat-Burning Meal Plan
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