Questions and Answers
Ok so, whenever I have done a cardio workout, as expected, i get sweaty. But my stomach is the place where i mostly DON"T. Do all cardio workouts burn fat?

No. Cardio increases caloric expenditure. To burn fat, you need to have no blood glucose derived from food or glycogen stores.
There"s so much more science out there, but the jist of it is:
Don"t eat flour/cornmeal based foods
Don"t eat fruits
Don"t drink milk or other liquid calories
Don"t eat sugar
Eat all meats
Eat all vegetables
One cheat day a week
Do 2-3 minutes exercise pre and post meal consumption.
EDIT: I feel obliged to ask why my information was false. I provided links which show why fats aren"t the enemy. I won"t go too much into that because there are so many discussions online about it all.
Cardio doesn"t need to put you into an any "zone" with regards to weight loss. When on a diet which is designed to force your body to resort to body fat, you don"t HAVE to do any cardio at all. Cardio should be done by everyone, not to lose weight, but to keep the heart healthy. It"s just a simple matter of going until you stop. (Stop either because of muscles, joints, bones or cardio system)
More into diet. Like I said, fat is not your enemy. Look at the results of Kekwick and Pawan study. (above) Look towards diets like Slow-Carb and Atkins. There is so much evidence supporting the fact that animal fats are VERY beneficial for us, for health and weight loss. You will find that by cutting more meats out of your diet, thus reducing fat and protein intake, will cause you to eat more of the wrong foods. Not only will you have to find a replacement for your meal, but you will feel hungrier sooner. Simple test: Try eating 3 eggs and a tin of baked beans. (hard) Try eating 4 bowls of cereal. (easy)
Of course, this can be applied to all foods. From a strict weight loss perspective, as long as you struggle to eat vast amounts of the food, like porridge oats and lentils, you will struggle to increase blood glucose significantly, and thus avoid fat storage.
But y"know. "Misinformation."
What is the difference between them and which should a person concentrate upon when looking to lose weight and tone up? Does it matter?

Yes is does matter to an extent. When doing a cardio workout, you"re basically working your heart (which is a muscle!) hard enough to strengthen it, much like doing weights to increase the strength of your arms/legs etc. However, you will see that on a "fat burn" workout you need to achieve a lower heart rate (according to the little graphs you see on some machines). This is because fat is metabolised differently, and so at the optimum heart rate (depending on your size and age) you burn fat most effectively. Fat cannot be metabolised quickly enough when doing a cardio workout because you are workign much harder and at a higher rate (not to say it ISN"t metabolised at all, just not used as much as carbohydrates instead- which are burned faster.)
For example, I"m 5"11" and 72kg, 21 years old. I would work my heart rate to about 180 for a good cardio workout, or for fat burn i would work to about 140 beats per minute. Again this is different depending on who you are.
To lose weight and tone up it depends on your entire workout and your current body weight/shape. If you just have some excess fat but aren"t clinically overweight i would recommend doing about 30 minutes of fat burn (running machine, cross trainer, rowing, bike etc.) before doing a workout with machines/weights, using light weights but lots and lots of repetitions, and doing this evenly with all muscle groups.
I would also recommend a good diet if you can- the best is to have 4 or 5 meals a day, but each meal must be light. Heaviest meal in the morning as well, lightest meal in the evening. Drink loads of fluid- i mean loooooaads of water, especially whilst workign out. And also- don"t necessarily cut down eating by a lot. Just spread out what you eat (hence smaller but more regular meals). This will help maintain your sugar levels evenly throughout the day, and so you won"t put on excess fat.
One more thing. According to studies, fat is more effectively metabolised first thing in the morning- so if you can work out then, then do!
Hope that helps! Happy new year.
So I"m 12 and I wanna lose weight. So what are some good workouts that I could use? I know crunches and running. How many crunches should I do a day? How good of an effect will I get? What are other workouts? What ones are best to lose weight, and lose it quickly?! Thankss:)
And not like a video workout. Just things to do on your own.

Workout DVDs are a great way to burn calories and are less boring than many other forms of exercise. If you aren"t bored, youre more likely to stick with it!
Try out classes at a community centre or gym. Also, there are lots of fun workout ideas at
Also, keep an eye on your diet. If you are consuming more calories than you are burning in a day, it"s not going to make a difference. Don"t obsess, just be careful. There are lots of healthy eating plans out there.
If you are looking to lose weight, crunches aren"t going to do much, they build muscle not burn fat.
Good luck!
8 Quick Exercises To Burn Belly Fat Fast & Lose Weight Fast
Dr. Oz shares weight loss and diet supplements to torch belly fat –
Examiner.comDr. Oz shares weight loss and diet supplements to torch belly fatExaminer.comDr. Michael Mosely, who lost 20 pounds by following the intermittent-fasting plan he detailed The Fast Diet, said you can get an effective fat-burning workout in under 7 minutes. The key to torching fat and accelerating weight loss is doing short …and more »
Workouts That Burn Fat
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