Questions and Answers
I don"t want people on here saying, "just diet and exercise". Duh. I have a wedding coming up in exactly 3 weeks and I wanted to be down a good 10 pounds for it, but I keep yo-yoing back to square one. Is it possible to lose that weight in only 3 weeks? If not, are there any specific toning exercises or aerobic that I can do to at least APPEAR smaller for this event without wearing a body-shaper? Lol thanks!

I understand your problem, because it"s just really common, a very important occasion, lose weight to look fit and sexy. The following will be harsh and tough, so be prepared.
Here are some tips and info:
post your request at
Http:// and you will get very quick reply from our certified diet and fitness experts for 1:1 Live video consultation and email reply
1st, Get a personal trainer, tell him/her your goal
2nd, Get a dietitian, and STICK STRICTLY to the plan,
here are some tips on what to do:
1. Exercise, what i mean is make it as many times as you can (without getting injury or noxious), AT LEAST 30 minutes/ session, preferably 45-60 minutes CONTINUOUS movement (e.g. Jogging, swimming or cycling) that keeps your heart rate at 65%-70% of (220-age).
Exercising not only burn off excess fat from your body, but will also increase your metabolic rate and keeps your output higher even when you"re walking or sleeping.
2. Eat CLEAN! It"s not what you don"t eat… It"s about what you eat
keep it light, lower your meat intake, keep the protein level and cut as much as oil as you can. Lower carbo if you know you"re taking too much too. Yes, your body needs fat to do lots of metabolic work but then you have too much…. So don"t worry about the deficiency side.
Soya products, steam fish, plain salad, steam vegetables (fat free dressing only!), steam rice, chicken brest (no skin please), fruits, tuna or some light pasta with little bit of olive oil is acceptable. And fat free milk, (not low fat!) nothing creamy nothing high in sugar, no desert or anything fancy!
3. Pills
Reductil – which seriously hamper your daily apetite, only ask for that if you"re sure you are eating too much. Otherwise you will get rebound and sick and every other effects you don"t want to see.
NOPAL – a vitamin + fibre pill that has no side effect. It basically soaks up the extra oil you take from food inside your stomach.
If you would like to get a real solid plan, please visit
hope these help, enjoy!
After I have my daughter I am going to be dieting and trying to do what i can to lose weight. I am going to be eating only metabolism boosting foods. I am already the mom of a 10 month old and so when march comes im not going to have alot of time for any rigorous exercise being that I will have a 1 year old and newborn. Im looking for any tips of exercises or any other things that could help.

If u want to lose weight, you have to cobine a good diet and exercize.
For example, if you workout every day but then you eat fast foods, fried foods, and processed foods which are high in fat and empty calories (and god knows what else). Guess what?
You can workout as much as you want, and you’ll still have a flabby belly! So, you can"t just focus on one thing, but not do the other…
Instead, the most effective way to burn stomach fat is working your body as a whole using this three-step process–with each step working together to building muscle, shedding fat, and giving you the best possible results on your stomach!
Here are a few basic abs diet recipes for a toned, lean abdominal core in a nutshell…
Don’t Skip Breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and for good reason. Eating breakfast sets the tone for the rest of the day, and is a staple of your abs diet plan!
Not eating breakfast leaves your blood sugar unstable and causes you to overeat because you were so hungry from not eating anything in the morning. By the time mid-morning and mid-afternoon rolls around, you’ll eat anything! And, you end up making bad food choices. So always eat a breakfast high in fiber and protein, and your abs will thank you for it!
Eat Your Fruits and Veggies!
A smart, balanced abs diet plan includes eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day–eight servings is optimum. You’ll enjoy more nutrients–and less cooking–if you eat them fresh. Add fruit and vegetable juices to your meals and snacks to increase your servings. Fruit satisfies the sweet tooth.
Fat"s Biggest Enemy, and Your Best Friend
Who could this be? It’s fiber!
There are two forms of fiber–soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves quickly in water and looks like gel. It’s found in fruits, oats, barley, and beans amongst others.
Insoluble fiber is found in cereal and whole grains, as well as fruits and vegetables. Why is fiber important to you in regards to losing fat?
•Controls your appetite: While insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water. Fiber, in general, absorbs a lot of fluid on its way down through your digestive track. Which takes up room, making you feel “full” and curbing your appetite.
•Moderates your insulin: Soluble fiber forms a protective coat in your stomach lining, controlling how much sugar gets into your bloodstream. Which reduces the insulin released by the pancreas. Since insulin promotes the storage of fat. The less you have of it, the better off your waistline will be.
Fiber is not only important in regards to fat loss. But, it’s just plain healthy for you! The best part is it’s inexpensive and readily available through foods. So, include fiber in your abs diet plan today, and start enjoying the many benefits it brings!
Eat a Low-Fat, but Not a No-Fat Diet
Eat more good fats by getting more omega 3’s in your abs diet plan from oily fish such as wild salmon. Choose wild instead of farm-raised salmon, which is filled with toxins. Other great sources of Omega 3’s includes:
•halibut (fish)
•pumpkin seeds
•flax seeds ( or add flaxseed powder to cereal. You cant tase the diffrence!!)
•fish oil (try taking pills)
•range-fed chicken eggs
•grass-fed beef
Eat, and Eat Often!
As strange as it may sound, to lose belly fat. You need to eat. Instead, of starving yourself!
Because, whether you’re sitting down watching TV, talking on the phone, or sleeping. Your body is constantly using up energy, and when you don’t replace it. Your body’s first natural reaction is to hold onto body fat in order to conserve energy, so it can keep you alive!
Don’t make the mistake of not eating or skipping meals in an attempt to lose weight or fat because by not eating over an extended period. You cause your body to hold onto fat, not lose it. You may think you’re losing it. But you’re only losing water weight.
Not to mention, as a result of starving yourself the entire day. You"ll get so hungry, you"ll eat any and everything! So again, you end up making bad food choices.
Also, you"ll lose muscle tissue by starving yourself or skipping meals. Which means a slower metabolism and less calories burned!
or Eliminate Dairy Products
Dairy products are nothing but fat. Besides, calves were designed to digest cow’s milk–not the human body. If you do continue eating dairy, opt for low-fat varieties, gourmet cheeses, faux products developed for the lactose-intolerant and vegans, and those produced organically or by small local farmers.
Drastically Reduce or Eliminate Junk Food
But if you’ve been craving potato chips for three weeks and you can’t get them out of your head. By all means, enjoy a fulfilling but reasonable portion alongside your veggie burger! Satisfying our cravings within reason prevents the mind games that instigate uncontrolled all-out eating frenzies.
Drink Lots of Water
Drink at.
IFR Markets ForexWatch Asia Regional Daily Briefing – Reuters
IFR Markets ForexWatch Asia Regional Daily BriefingReutersHeadlines from Wednesday Night * Fed"s Kocherlakota below-target inflation signals wasted resources- significant problem in the economy, * ECB"s Weidmann sees no sign of deflation in the EZ, not in favor of targeted exchange rate policy to weaken the …and more »
EZ Weight Loss 101
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