Questions and Answers
Diet tips too lose weight fast?(: please!

Before saying fast weight loss tips, I have to say one thing to you.
Generally 2 pounds of weight loss in a week has to be considered as healthy weight loss. There are so many extreme weight loss methods for fast weight loss but it’s unhealthy to lose huge amount of weight in such short period of time. Here you didn’t deliver any of your weight loss goals in terms of amount of pounds which you need to loss and in how many days you want to cut those pounds?
Here you may go through this, I hope it might be helpful to you.
Im 16. I need to loose weight about 2 stone. No pills. I have a wii fit and a exercise dvd so that"s about as much exercise i could do. I try to eat 3 meals a day. I just find that nothings working. I don"t want any recipe"s or what food i should/shouldn"t buy.
Whens the best time to exercise and how long for?
Also need something that will help me keep up my "diet" instead of making me forget and not do it.
Any other tips?

Here are a few tips;
WHEN to eat for losing weight…
• Eat (at least) three times a day.
Because when you eat only once a day, your metabolism gets slower than it already is! That"s the main reason. Sounds funny, but to lose weight… You must eat (the right things, of course)
• Eat low-fat, high-fiber foods such as salads and vegetable pastas.
• Your last meal should be before 18:00. Try.
OK, one apple after 18:00
• Don"t starve
Starvation is not good for losing weight, nor your health.
Starvation is the worse thing you can do in a weight loss diet.
• Try oatmeal instead of cornflakes for breakfast–eating oatmeal can help reduce cholesterol levels, and its high fiber content will keep you full longer.
WHAT to drink for losing weight…
• Drink 6-8 glasses of water every day !
Can be tap, plain, mineral, sparkling. I just love mineral sparkling water!
This improves your bowel, reduces the "hunger" sensation, and hydrates your skin. Your skin will look much better after the first weeks!
Don"t believe the slogan "water makes me fat". Beside being stupid… You might get into serious troubles with your kidneys.
• Drink ONLY natural juices, freshly squeezed!
Don"t drink Coca Cola, Pepsi, Spite etc. During the diet. Even lite or light versions.
Exercise for losing weight…
• If you want quicker results – exercise would be good.
• Don"t just sit in front of the TV and eat peanuts…
I guarantee THIS won"t work for your weight loss…
• Start a regular exercise program and stick with it. Don"t be afraid of those sweat suits and Lycra pants!
• Start swimming. Swimming is an excellent exercise to get involved with, since it increases blood flow and uses muscles we don"t regularly use. Start a swimming program and try to do it 3 times a week. You will feel excellent and rejuvenated.
• Choose an exercise program that you enjoy, and don"t shun the unconventional. For instance, did you know that regular vigorous dancing is exercise too?
• Also Cardiovascular exercises such as running, jogging, or aerobics will help you lose that unwanted belly fat. Weight training can also help you lose body fat because the more muscle mass you have, the more ability your system has to burn body fat.
Good luck!
Hope this helps~
Im a 17 yr old female 5 foot 11 and weigh *wait to be disgusted* 120 kilos I want to loose like 20-30 kilos by November, i am in school and work part time so dont have time to go to the gym more than once or twice a week Please give me weight loss tips
I also have hypoglycemia meaning if my blood sugar levels drop i can go into a hypo so i need to eat some sugar each day.

Ok! Here are my tips! From someone who has lost 15kg before. (although that was from 70kg to 55kg)
These tips will work even better on you most likely since you are heavier, and you can drop weight faster; go for a rate of 1.5 kg per week.
-Cut out junk food, anything likes cookies, chips, candies, chocolates, sweets, bars, etc.
-Cut out restaurant or fast food, including foods like pizza, fries, popcorn, burgers, subs, etc
-Probably the most important…Cut out bread, pasta, white rice, pancakes, cakes, pies, pastries, bagels, waffles, muffins, etc. Instead, for grains, switch to eating a bowl of oatmeal or a healthy cereal in the morning.
-Cut out cheese, milk or yogurt with fat in it. Have only nonfat (skim) milk and nonfat or lowfat yogurts.
-Cut out peanut butter, nuts, dressings, butters, sauces, jams, condiments.
-Cut out meat that comes from any four-legged animal (aka pig, cow). Stick to only chicken (not fried) and fish.
-No soda
-Drink only water with meals, it will save you a lot. (For example, a person could have a cup of milk, and three glasses of juice throughout their day and that would be way over 500 calories! So dont drink empty calories and just stick to plain water)
-Eat only foods in their natural form. For example, oats are exactly that, oats. Don"t eat something that has a title or is a dish, just stick to natural, plain food.
-Avoid eating cooked in oil food, go for more fresh or simply cooked things.
From this list, you should see the main source of nutrition has to come from fruits and veggies. Make what you eat 60% fruit and veggies, 30% healthy grains, and 10% dairy or chicken or fish.
Have any fresh fruits or vegetables!
Limit yourself to around 1600 calories each day. Divide the day into breakfast, snack, lunch, and dinner.
A good diet example could be:
Breakfast- oatmeal made with skim milk, water
Snack- an apple, banana, grapes, and fatfree/lowfat yogurt to make sort of a fruit salad mix
Lunch- a bowl of brown rice OR corn OR soup, whole grain rye crackers, water
Dinner- a baked potato and more vegetables like pickles, broccoli, and a card-size piece of grilled chicken, water
When you"re hungry, don"t cheat on your diet. Just eat a banana!! Or an apple. Make one of those your go-to food.
And do try to incorporate some exercise in when you can! Good ideas can be workout videos, swimming, running, and walking extra.
Overall stay on top of yourself and don"t let in to cravings. Just think that if you ever are tempted to cheat on your new resolution to eat healthy, that it is not going to help you in your goal at all.
And last tip….just because there is food, or it is there conveniently for some reason, someone bought something, or you end up at a restaurant….does not mean you have to eat it! Stay away from it, make healthy choices, and realize there are things you will have to sacrifice to slim down. There"s no "treats" and you cannot go back to eating how you did once you lose ought. It"s all or nothing!
Remember your goal and that you can overcome this, and you can succeed!
Hope this helps! ^_^
Good luck!!
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21 Days To Healthy Eating Review | Discover Carolyn Hansen"s Methods For …PR Web (press release)… Eating Review | Discover Carolyn Hansen"s Methods For Losing Weight Naturally – 21 Days To Healthy Eating penned by Carolyn Hansen is a newly updated weight loss book that covers healthy eating diets for weight loss fast.and more »
Diet Tips for Fast Weight Loss
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