Questions and Answers
I just got hold of this diet and wanted to ask some questions.
On day 1, can i add low fat dressing, vinegraitte, honey or olive oil with my fruits?
On day 2, can i saute my veggies in olive oil? Can i add low fat dressing on my greens?
Can i have mashed potato with skimmed milk, instead of the plain baked potato? Or at least add pesto on it?
On Day 5 and 6, how should the beef be cooked? Grilled?
Can i add salt on any of the menu?
They say this diet works and can loose from 10 to 17lbs.
Help! Help! Help! Need to loose 15lbs by May.

OK, I am extremely happy with this diet….however, there are some issues.
#1-everything you proposed is fine (as far as the slight cheating goes)…it makes the diet more livable…I"ve even added chicken on the first few days and still lost weight. I broiled my beef and ate it with mustard (which supposedly burns fat) and it was good with the tomatoes, and I used salt freely and still lost weight
#2-this diet will make you EXTREMELY lethargic! I would not recommend working out very hard during this week that you try it….you can work out, it just sucks because you"ll be so worn out!
#3- this diet tends to make you…uh…..visit the potty alot!….so be prepared for that!
#4- drink plenty of water (because of #3)
#5- expect a few of the pounds lost to come back when you start eating normally again…for example, i lost 10 lbs. The first time i tried it and 2 came back……but that is still 8 lbs. In one week so who cares about the 2, right?
Overall, I love this diet! It cleans you out, and drops some serious poundage quickly! But don"t do it all the time….I do it every few months or so.
Hope this was helpful!!!!!!
And I hope you like it!
I"m an 18 year old female, 5"3 and I weight about 127-130 lbs (It keeps going up and down lately for some reason), however I"m not fat and I already have muscles, but I wanna look more toned up, so I"m doing a muscle gain/fat loss program this summer and here is how it"ll go:
Nutrition:Breakfast, 9 am:
-Scrambled egg. (100 calories, 6 gm of Protein).
-Slice of loaf. (100 calories, 4 gm of Protein)
-Cup of Green tea. (0 calories, 0 gm of Protein)
Noon snack, 12 am:
-Bottle of Whey milk. (200 calories, 30 gm of Protein).
Lunch, 4 pm:
-Piece of Steak/chicken/or fish. (300-500 calories, 40 gm of Protein).
-Tomato and Green paper. (50 calories, 0 gm of Protein).
-1 slice of loaf/or a piece of potato or anything with carbs. (100 calories, 4 gm of Protein).
Late afternoon snack, 7 pm:
-Bottle of Whey Milk. (200 calories, 30 gm of Protein).
Dinner 9/10 pm:
-Apple. (maximally 150 calories, 0 gm of Protein).
-Banana/or orange. (Maximally 150 calories, 0 gm of Protein).
Weight training work out schedule:
Abs workout
-Regular Crunches 25 reps 4 sets
-Vertical Crunches 25 reps 4 sets
-Bicycle Crunches 25 reps 4 sets
-Twisting Crunches 50 reps 4 sets
-Dumbbell side bents 50 reps 4 sets
Arms workout
A.Bicep Barbell curls 30 reps 3 sets
-12 repsLeast weight
-10 rep Average weight
- 8 reps Max weight
B.Bicep curls 30 reps 3 sets
-12 repsLeast weight
-10 reps Average weight
-8 reps Max weight
C.Tricep V-bar pull-downs 30 reps 3 sets
D.Tricep Kickback 30 reps 3 sets
-10 reps Inner Triceps
-10 reps Middle Triceps
-10 repsOuter Triceps
E.Tricep Extension 30 reps 3 sets
-12 repsLeast weight
-10 reps Average weight
-8 reps Max weight
F.Shoulder front Raise30 reps 3 sets
-12 repsLeast weight
-10 reps Average weight
-8 reps Max weight
G.Shoulder press 30 reps 3 sets
-12 repsLeast weight
-10 reps Average weight
-8 reps Max weight
H.Shoulder/Lateral raise 30 reps 3 sets
-12 repsLeast weight
-10 reps Average weight
-8 reps Max weight
I.Wrist curls 30 reps 3 sets
-12 repsLeast weight
-10 reps Average weight
-8 reps Max weight
Leg workout
A. Leg press 30 reps 3 sets
-12 reps Least weight
-10 reps Average weight
-8 reps Max weight
B.Leg extension 30 reps 3 sets
-12 repsLeast weight
-10 reps Average weight
-8 reps Max weight
C.Calf raise 30 reps 3 sets
-12 repsLeast weight
-10 reps Average weight
-8 reps Max weight
D.Dumbbell Lunges 30 reps 3 sets
- Each day, the work out should take about 45-50 mins including rest time, about 2-3 mins rest between each set.
Cardio workout schedule:
Mon through Thursday:
- Treadmill 2 miles (Walking/Jogging) with 20 minutes rest between each mile.
- Bicycling 2 set (Regular and max intensity) for 15 minutes each set and about 20 minutes rest between each set.
Sat and Sun are off-days for my muscular repair and growth, but I will still move a lot, because I have a job everyday anyway and I do a lot of other things too so I"m not going to lay down and watch T.V or anything, this summer is hopefully going to be very active for me!
* I might eat some fast food or go out to a restaurant every once in a while (Once every couple weeks or so) so I hope this won"t kill me or anything.
PLEASE tell me what you think about this whole plan? I really need opinions! Thank you!

Very good, but when you work out that hard, you"re going to need more than 1300 calories. You need to eat food to build muscle, but eat less to lose fat. So, eat 500 calories less than what your body needs, but LOAD up on protein. Aim for 1g-1.5 g per lb of body weight. That way, you can do both with some success.
According to that, you will need nearly 1900 calories for maintenance. So, I"d recommend eating 1400-1650 calories on a daily basis. To lose fat and gain muscle at the same time is HARD. Because they"re opposite. Losing weight= eatling less. Gaining muscle= eating more. So, you can cut your calories, but you HAVE to load up on protein. Since you weight 130, try getting between 130-200 grams daily..
I only have 4 mouths to lose all my freaking fat!!!!!!!! I really want to fit into this OUTSTANDINGLY PRETTY DRESS!!!!!!!!!! And i have ab lounge, Bow flex, a mini trampoline, treadmill (highly advanced), and wii fit i just can"t make up a plan for myself :"( PLEASE GIVE IDEAS OR WEDSITES!!!!
And please don"t post negative aspects…..i am already selfconcious enough thanks though.

Eat less. Move more. That"s the best way to lose fat. Basic thermodynamics, if you burn more calories (heat) than you"re taking in, you will start to burn fat.
Here"s something to think about: 1 lb. Of fat= 3,600 calories.
Now, that might freak you out at first, but don"t worry: with hard work, and a lot of willpower, you can melt that fat off like butter. I would know, in a matter of 5 weeks, I lost 30 pounds.
Just don"t decide to starve yourself because your body will decide it"s starving, and whatever nutrients you DO get will be completely absorbed by your body.
One very important bit of advice: Do NOT do the same exercise the same way every day. Also give yourself at least a day in the week to relax.
Good Luck!
Low carb high-fat ketogenic-type diets help weight loss, heart disease, diabetes – Examiner.com
Examiner.comLow carb high-fat ketogenic-type diets help weight loss, heart disease, diabetesExaminer.comBy drastically reducing carbs in our diet and replacing them with healthy, unprocessed fats, Dr. Volek said we accelerate weight loss, boost fat-burning, experience more stable blood sugar levels, and ward off degenerative conditions such as heart …
Fat-Burning Eating Plan
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