Saturday, May 24, 2014

Foods That Help You Burn Fat

Questions and Answers

Wat are some foods that actually cause you to burn fat?

Ive been dieting for about 2 months lost a total of 25 pounds looking to lose more I can only eat certain foods because I cant have alot of sodium do to a bad case of fluid. Im looking to purchase some foods that actually cause you to lose weight like grapefruit, spinach, and celery.

Posted by ImOuThEreUdigg!!

wilmer johnson

Free list of fat burning foods

Issue #35

by Weight Loss International

Free list of fat burning foods

When faced with the challenge of needing to lose weight, people

often turn to bizarre ideas which defy logic, which do, however,

still become popular.

We had such a massively positive response to a previous article Free

List of Negative Calorie Foods, that we decided to dig around for

some more foods with which some people believe you can burn off more

fat than you ingest by eating them.

Our free list of fat burning foods, as you will notice, mostly

contain fruits and vegetables. There is a definite trend when

comparing fat burning foods lists provided by different sources.

Free list of fat burning foods

apples limes

apricots lobster

artichokes loganberries

asparagus mangoes

beet greens mushrooms

beets muskmelons

blackberries mussels

blueberries mustard greens

broccoli nectarines

Brussels sprouts okra

buffalo fish onions

cabbage oranges

cantaloupe oysters

carrots papaya

cauliflower parsley leaves

celeriac parsnips

celery peache

cherries pears

chervil peas

chicory peppers

Chinese cabbage pineapple

chives pomegranates

clams prunes

cod pumpkin

corn quince

crabs radishes

cranberries raspberries

cucumbers red cabbage

currants rhubarb

Damson plum rutabagas

dandelion greens salsify

eggplant sauerkraut

endive scallions

flounder sea bass

frogs legs shrimps

garlic sorrel

grapefruit spinach

grapes squash

green beans steaks

honeydew strawberries

huckleberries string beans

kale tangerines

kohlrabi terrapin

kumquats tomato

leeks turnips

lemons watercress

lettuce watermelon

Free List of Negative Calorie Foods

Issue #33

by Weight Loss International

Free List of Negative Calorie Foods

You eat an excess amount of calories. You get fat. We all know

that. But is there really such a thing as foods which make you lose


Today we"ll provide you with a free list of negative calorie foods,

foods that are supposed to burn up more calories in the process of

digesting them than are actually contained in the foods themselves.

Are there really such things as negative calorie foods?

The idea that certain foods could take more energy to digest them

than they actually provide in and of themselves certainly took the

diet industry by storm. The notion that you could eat from a list

of "wonder foods" and not only not put on weight but help counteract

some of the calories contained in the rest of your diet certainly

has an instant appeal.

The sad fact is, however, that all foods contain calories. Some,

not that many. However the body has one thing which actively works

against you. It"s the most efficient engine known to man. The

calories delivered by even the lightest foods render many times more

energy than is required to digest them.

There is one negative calorie food

To truly use more energy than a food provides, you"d in fact have to

be eating cardboard. 100% cellulose. And seeing that we humans

lack the enzymes to break it down (as opposed to cows that can

happily live on it), it would render zero calories. The process of

moving the cardboard through the body would take a small but

measurable amount of energy. The result? A true negative calorie

food. Naturally, it"s one we"d never recommend you use.

A free list of negative calorie foods

However, in the interest of completeness, here is a free list of

foods which are claimed by some to be negative calorie foods.

List of Negative Calorie Foods




green cabbage



celery root

celery chicory

hot chili peppers




garden cress


green beans

zucchini apple



lemon mango


pineapple raspberries



lamb"s lettuce







What are the top fat burning foods?
Posted by …..0

wilmer johnson

Food cannot burn fat. There is no food with a negative amount of calories. Any food you eat gives you either zero or a positive amount of fat.

Exercise (and, to a lesser extent, normal activity) is what burns fat.

Foods that burn belly fat?

I am looking for foods that burn belly fat. If you know about foods that burn belly fat. Ways to burn belly fat, what foods burn belly fat please give me some tips ;)


Posted by Mikesmith Smith

wilmer johnson

There"s no food that ONLY target belly fat. Just eating healthy in general and staying away from fatty foods, too much sugar and alcohol will help you get rid of belly fat.

Fruits, veggies, lean protein and whole wheat options are good. Also, vegetables such as Celery are said to actually have negative calories (your body burns more calories eating and digesting it than what it contains)

Top 10 foods to help you lose belly fat | GET RIDICULOUSLY FIT ...

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Foods That Help You Burn Fat