Questions and Answers
I really want to look in the mirror and actually like what I see for once.. What are the best exercises to do this? Will my asthma make it harder for me? I was told that it would but I"m not sure x.

Cardio burns fat. This includes anything that gets your heart rate up, like the elliptical, treadmill, spinning, etc. Doing jumping jacks at home or jogging around your neighborhood are great ways.
Muscle building involves using resistance, using weights, and toning up. This can also lead to fat loss since you"re forming muscle instead. This is also great for your metabolism and bones. It"s recommended women get cardio, toning, and flexibility to keep all aspects of your body in shape. Try to switch your routine up every day, and always remember to stretch before and after to prevent injury.
Exercising may increase your appetite, like it did for me, so it"s important you buy only healthy foods. Cutting out white products (bread and pasta) and eating more fruits/veggies is a great way to change your diet and lose pounds with little effort. Diet is also a huge component of weight loss, all the exercise in the world won"t change your weight if you don"t watch your food intake as well.
For more info check out livestrong: Http:// They have awesome tips.
As for your asthma, I"m not a doctor so I can"t answer that. I suggest talking to your GP and maybe a trainer at the gym for work-outs they recommend,

There are no magic remedies to rid of body fat. If there were, the inventor would be a millionaire and nodoy would have fat.
A proper diet and exercise is the best option to rid of fat. A diet low in fat and no saturated fat, with moderate complex carbs and no sugar or salts and a higher intake of protein is recommended. Also include plenty of fruits and vegetables. Do not gorge on your meal. Eat in moderation.
Cardio exercise along with weight lifting is your best option. 30 minutes of cardio exercise 3 times a week minimum at 60 to 80% of your peak target heart rate is recommended for maintenance. The longer the workout, the higher the intensity and the more days you add will greatly benefit towards your goal.
Unfortunately, when the body loses fat, it starts in the areas which contains the "least" density. For example, if your arms have the least amount of fat compared to the rest of your body, the fat will burn off there first. The sad part is, for women, the last place burn and lose fat is the buttocks/hips while for men is in the abdominal region since those are the areas with the most density.
If you have performed the above suggestions and still fail to lose fat, then I suggest you talk to a nutirtionist to determine if you are on a proper diet for your structure and lifestyle, or a trainer to determine if you have performed the proper exercises needed to lose weight or your doctor and rule out any genetic defects. In very few cases, cosmetic surgery is the only answer.
What are some really good home fat loss exercises that require no equipment as im broke, however im a very determined person, some extra exercises to build muscle would also be.nice.

Extensive sports will lose weight in conjuction with a controlled diet, but most people don"t want do so much work. Moderate exercise alone will not make you lose weight. The weight loss is usually water which is soon replaced, and it doesn"t burn as many calories as people think. A moderately-loaded exercise cycle ridden at 30 mph only burns around 3 calories per minute and uses 5.6 calories/mile.
As a check: the average 25 year old 5’4” tall woman who weighs 120 lbs. And has a moderately active lifestyle will need 1900 calories all day.(1 day=1440 minutes) That is 1.33 calories/min. The average 25 year old 5’8” tall man who weighs 140 lbs. And has a moderately active lifestyle will need 2280 calories all day. That is 1.6 calories/min.
Typical exercises you can do without equipment are: aerobics, walking, running, and press-ups. As someone who has been on a diet and keep fit regime for seven years, my advice, which I follow myself, is to treat diet as the way to control your weight and leave exercise for keeping fit and developing muscle. You need to separate the two in your mind.
If you live in the UK I suggest you contact your local NHS office and speak to a Health Trainer. They will measure your bbiometrics and give you diet and fitness advice which will help you achieve your objective, and they may even throw in free periods in a gym or swimming pool. They"re the experts and their service is free.
If you live in the US ask the equivalent people at your local Medical Center.
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The extra benefits of exerciseKSPRTraining for a triathlon has made me aware of the side benefits of exercise — benefits that expand past the point of gaining strength and losing fat. I have never been … My job in the hospital can involve a great deal of walking, lifting and …and more »
Fat Burning Exercises for Women at Home
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