Questions and Answers
Ok so i need to lose some weight like fast and when i say fast i mean fast i weight 200 pounds and i would like too get a some pounds off i am willing too do any thing PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you want to lose weight, you need to two things: eat less and exercise more. Weight gain happens when you create a calorie surplus (eat more than you burn). Your body takes the excess calories and converts them to fat which get stored around your stomach, arms and thighs. The longer you remain in a calorie surplus, the more weight you"ll gain. To lose that weight, you need to do the opposite. You need to create a calorie deficit (start eating less than you burn).
Your first step is to figure out how many calories you burn on a daily basis. This calculator will help you out Http:// The number you get from this tool is what your body burns on a daily basis. To lose weight, simply eat less. It sounds a lot easier than it is but making small changes helps you adjust to a new lifestyle. Don"t think of this as a diet, think of it as a new life. Instead of eating foods high in sugars, white flour and saturated fat, go with fruits, vegetables, whole wheats, fish, lean meats, nuts and beans. In addition to eating less, you also need to exercise more. Start off at 1-2 times per week and work your way up to 3-5 times per week.
Don"t make all of these changes at once or you won"t be able to properly adjust to them. Generally, eating healthier foods will decrease your calorie intake. Compare a doughnut to an apple and you"ll see that healthy foods are lower in calories. You can find some more information at the Beginner"s Guide to Dieting – Http://
I need to lose some weight for the summer and because i"m just not feeling healthy…what are some quick and healthy ways to lose weight…10 pts for proof of healthy diet via link to website.

There is no magic pill or program for weight loss, regardless of what others tell you. 2 – 3 lbs per week is a healthy weight loss.
You need to follow a sensible diet. Start eating fruits and vegetables and lean protein.
There is a great show on the Lifestyle channel, Cook Yourself Thin. They show you how to change your fave recipes to low fat, low calorie. It’s a really neat show.
Their idea is that you take your goal weight and multiply by 10. This number is your maximum daily calories.
You need to eat what"s called filling foods to not get hungry all the time. Things like apples and bananas are filling. Almost all types of beans, garbanzo, green, kidney, re-fried fat-free, beets, cauliflower are some of the many filling veggies.
Avoid over-use of salt, you will retain water.
Drink water, and if you don’t like it plain try a little squeezed lemon or lime in it. Drink at least 8 ozs before each meal.
You may also want to try switching from 3 meals a day and eating 4 or 5 lighter meals.
Losing weight requires a lifestyle change.
Good luck!
About 5"4 245 lbs curvey 16years old. I play just dance on wii 5 songs = abput 20-25mins a day.
Will that help me loose weight is it apart of an exersice and i have a calorie counter on my phone, but i always eat under my calorie number. Is there an easy DIET plan like only white or lean mean not so sure about the only fruit and veggie one but anyother can help, since i go to school i eat that lunch or a bag oh hot chips n a drink PLEASE HELP<<<<<<<

These are the things i"ve found help me when losing weight:
1. Low carb diet: meaning cut out all of the white flour products – white bread, white pasta, etc. – and white rice. You want to eat only brown rice, whole grain bread, whole grain pasta, whole grain tortillas, etc.
2. Raw food diet: you want to eat a high percentage of raw foods – i.e salads for dinner, fruit smoothies for breakfast, fruit with your yogurt for snacks
3. No sugar: sugar makes the body store fat….. As soon as you stop consuming sugar your body will start burning the fat it already has. Stop eating sugar and start eating healthy sweetener substitutes like "stevia" (this is a natural sweetener taken from a plant that is sweeter than sugar).
4. Healthy fats: studies show you need to eat fat to burn fat. You need to be consuming monounsaturated fat/omega-3 fatty acids….. This can be found in olive oil, ground flax seeds, chia seeds, salmon, sardines, oil fish, avocado, and dark chocolate (you want to stick with cacao powder, cacao nibs which can be found from from navitas naturals brand). Studies have also shown that eating a healthy fat with every meal helps to burn and target belly fat (google "the flat belly diet" for more information on this) – opt to eat olive oil with savory dishes such as salads and soups and ground flaxseed or chia seeds with sweet things like oatmeal, cereal, yogurt parfaits, smoothies, etc.
5. Three hour diet: you want to eat meals every three hours in order to fuel your metabolism and start burning calories faster. This will get your metabolism burning like a furnace by feeding it every three hours.
6. Cheat on your diet: it"s important to eat healthy throughout the week but also to take the two days off and have days where you eat normal foods – even junk foods – this will ensure that your metabolism does not slow down (as your body will think it"s going through a starvation mode if you lower calories throughout the week – the body will slow down metabolism in order to prepare for a famine – by eating higher calories and more fat throughout the weekend the body will be tricked into thinking it isn"t starving as caloric intake goes up the body"s metabolism will keep burning at optimum level and burn more fat and calories)
read about it here:
7. Green tea: green tea acts to rev up the metabolism and helps the body burn fat. Studies have shown that people who consume green tea lose more body fat than those who don"t. Opt to drink green tea with or between every meal 4 – 6 cups a day. Also green tea acts as a diuretic – helping the body to rid itself of excess water in order to beat bloating which can hide any striations in muscle tone. Green tea also works as an appetite suppressant.
Here"s a link:
8. Strenght training: also – and this is very important – start putting on muscle….. Lean muscle burns more calories at rest than exercise – just by having muscle on your body you are burning extra calories because muscle needs to burn calories in order to stay alive….. Therefore eat lots of protein before and after every workout. – although you might want to do some research on what age is appropriate to start lifting weights (because i"ve heard it could stunt your growth – just google it)
also…. I follow "the perricone diet", "the flat belly diet", "the low carb diet", "the raw food diet", and "the three hour diet"…. I"ve taken principles from all those diets and compiled my own and have seen success on it….
So if you want to see what i eat here"s the link:
How to Burn Belly Fat fast in 10 min. To get a Flat Stomach
10 foods that destroy your diet – Fox News
Fox News10 foods that destroy your dietFox NewsWhen you"re trying hard to eat a healthy diet in order to lose weight, it can be frustrating when you don"t see results. Turns out, some so-called healthy foods could actually be destroying … Plus, make it tempura, add mayonnaise, and you might as …
Easy Diets to Lose Weight Fast
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