Questions and Answers
(Swimsuit season coming up)
Please and thanks:)xx.

Burn stomach fat? Running and jogging and eating healthy. Sit ups and crunches won"t burn belly fat they will just tone the muscle under it.
I NEED HELP!!!!!! O.k. I am one of them type of people who are skinny and thin, and don"t eat much, but for some unknown reason I have gain a lot of weight, but the weight I have gained is all in my belly and not anywhere else (Like a beer gut but you don"t drink). Which is gross. How can I lose the belly weight fast? I try everything from jumping jacks to Crunches but nothing seems to work. The cause of this weight I am guessing could probably be caused by "Stress" and "Poor Nutrition" Please help me I want to look good and thin for the prom coming up soon, I am willing to do whatever it takes. Lol…
PS: How do you get rid of stress for example: Your mom is yelling at you for some reason and at that time you become stressed, how can you prevent stress even though you are living in a Stressful Environment???
PS Again lol: What can I do or what types of food I need to eat in order to get good Nutrition not poor Nutrition????
So far i have learned to exercise regularly (30 Minutes a day at least). Crunches or sit-ups alone will not help with losing the belly fat but only tighten the muscles (Abs) beneath the fat which is good but I will still have the fat. What are the exercise I can do or do at home that will REALLY decrease and target the belly fat? How much calories are you supposed to only consume a day? Especially if you are on a diet? Thanks for answering so far, your answers are starting to become valuable to me lol

Everyone has a trouble spot. It can be around the stomach, thighs, arms or chest. No matter where your trouble spot is, the solution is exactly the same. You need to eat less and exercise more. The reason why there"s only one solution for all of these problems is because it"s impossible to tell your body where to burn the excess fat from.
When you eat too many calories, your body stores the excess energy as fat in different areas around the body. To lose this fat, you need to create a calorie deficit (eat less than you burn) to force your body to start burning that fat for energy. There is absolutely no way to control where your body goes to find this extra fat.
The larger your calorie deficit (a bigger calorie deficit means a bigger difference between what you eat and what you burn) the faster your body will burn excess fat and the quicker your body fat percentage will start to decrease. You can increase your calorie deficit by cutting your daily intake and exercising more. Sit ups will do nothing to target the fat around your abs just like squats will do nothing to target the fat around your thighs. You can read more about fixing your trouble spots at the Guide to Reducing Body Fat – Http://…
I have been running, but i need some different exercises to help with burning some stomach fat.

You need water for your body to burn fat. Without water, your kidneys can not do their job properly and your liver must pitch in to help. While it"s helping the kidneys, your liver can"t burn as much fat, so some of the fat that would normally be used as fuel gets stored in your body instead. Drinking more water lets the liver get back to its own job of turning fat into fuel.Your body needs water-it"s sixty percent water. But if you don"t drink enough, your body thinks it"s in danger and tries to hold onto all the water it can get. The water is stored between the cells and shows up as extra weight. Your feet, legs and hands may even swell up. When your body gets enough water, the stored water is released.
The more water you drink, the less you"ll eat. Water is nature"s own appetite suppressant. A glass of water before eating will help you feel full and eat less. You"ll also get rid of extra salt by drinking water (salt can also cause the body to hold onto water).
Drink at least 8, eight-ounce glasses of water every day. If you"re overweight, drink an additional glass for every Twenty-five pounds of excess weight. Now ,make sure you eat well each foods like fruit,veggies ,baked and boiled meats,no fried foods, no eating before bed , no junk food, no sugar ,no butter, no mayo,and eat fat free cheese drink milk it will help take off pounds around the belly and sides,no hot dogs or lunch less bread,i like to make big meals like bake extra chicken with veggies ,then you can snack on leftovers,i hope i helped,
Lose Stomach Fat FAST with Fat Burning Exercises for Men!
Lose 10 Pounds of Belly Fat by Memorial Day with the Dr. Oz May Diet! – eMaxHealth
Lose 10 Pounds of Belly Fat by Memorial Day with the Dr. Oz May Diet!eMaxHealth“If you are looking for ways to lose 10 pounds this month—to be slimmed down before summer even hits, then you can"t miss today"s show,” says Dr. Oz as he introduces his May Diet to shed water weight, burn fat and shrink your waistline in no time …and more »
Burn Stomach Fat Fast
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