Questions and Answers
What are some tips for healthy living and quick weight loss?

Hi Stephanie!
You know quick weight loss tips are not always the answer for healthy living. Weight loss involves a lot of hard work and determination. Here is an article I found that should help you on your way to finding quick weight loss tips.
Hello Everyone!
I"m starting an exercise routine based on & Tony Little"s AB Isolator Workout Video. I plan to keep this going for a 12 week session and then start again.
Right now I weigh 179, and I"m 5"7". I target weight is 130lbs.
I will try to post my accomplishments regularly.
If you like you can consult my workout calendar for further details.
Please submit your exercise tips and your support.

These tips work very well for most
SNACK ON SOUP. Water-based soups don"t contain many calories and are a great way to fill up-staving off your craving for a big meal or at least slowing you down if you do load your plate.
Avoid chugging calories. Downing regular soda, juice, and milk are all ways to consume a lot of calories quickly and without feeling satiated. Instead, learn to like plain old water. To make it more palatable, try adding a bit of calorie-free green-tea extract.
Taper your meals. A recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition showed that people who ate most of their daily food intake earlier in the day and consumed smaller and smaller portions as the day went on ate less overall than people who ate consistently sized meals over a 24-hour period.
Fidget. Play with a ball while you talk on the phone. Bounce your knees. Whatever works for you. A classic study in the journal Science reported that people who frequently shift their posture weigh less than those who stay put. The reason: Burning five extra calories here and there adds up, helping fidgeters create something researchers (appropriately enough) call NEAT-Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (fat loss without direct exercise).
Turn off the machines. When you"re working out, opt for free weights over machines. They activate more muscle when you lift, burning more calories and causing greater strength gains.
Don"t bug in bulk. It"s a good strategy when it comes to toilet paper, but the more food you pack into your fridge at once, the more likely you are to eat it right away.
Lilt heavier. If your dumbbells are pink and allow you to "bang out" 20-plus reps without breaking a sweat, they"re not challenging your muscles, and you won"t lose fat.
Weigh in. Studies show that weighing yourself daily improves your healthy and motivation. Of course, a scale doesn"t decipher between fat and a lean body, so use a mirror to monitor changes in your appearance, as well.
Eat slower. It takes approximately 15-20 minutes for the stomach to sense it"s full. If you chow down like a starved sled dog, you"ll likely out-eat your hunger level, packing in more calories than your body needs before it s had a chance to even register that you"re full.
Pack ahead. Most people give up their diet because they"re pressed for time. Avoid the problem by making your meals for the work week ahead on Sunday afternoon. That way, you"ll have a good supply of healthy food ready and waiting, and you won"t run out of options or be forced to hit the vending machine.
Dip a fork in salad dressing, instead of pouring the dressing directly onto the greens. This gives you max control over how many calories of dressing you get in each bite.
HOW I LOST 80 POUNDS!!! My weight loss secrets
7 Weight Loss Tips For When The Scale Won"t Budge – Huffington Post
7 Weight Loss Tips For When The Scale Won"t BudgeHuffington PostPairing proper nutrition and a challenging workout routine is, of course, a winning combination. But there are a few more ways to help you bust through that weight loss plateau. Here are seven expert-backed tips on how to reach your goal weight, the …and more »
Tips for Weight Loss
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