Questions and Answers
Ive been told these foods burn belly fat:
Dark Chocolate
Im already starting to go out running and lifting wights and today is my last day of snacking and bad foods i just need to know the foods i should start eating?

Food does not "burn" anything, especially belly fat. To lose belly fat, avoid saturated fats (such as eggs and other animal products) and avoid refined carbohydrates such as white flour products and sugar.
Focus on whole foods such as fruit, vegetables, whole grains (oatmeal, brown rice), legumes (beans, peas, lentils) and in moderation nuts, seeds and dark chocolate (no milk products as an ingredient in the dark chocolate). Avocados and cinnamon are healthy. Avos are high in fat, but it"s plant sourced and is healthy. Eat frequent, smaller meals, never go longer than 3 hours without eating. Eat 3 smallish meals and 3 healthy snacks spread evenly throughout the day. Stay hydrated, get adequate sleep, only weigh yourself once a week.
Now for the "burn", cardiovascular exercise where your heart rate is raised is how you burn fat. Weight training will build muscles which will raise metabolism and burn calories (and fat) at a faster rate 24/7 even while sleeping.
I want to tone up in three weeks. Is there any exercises that burn belly fat fast.

Ok, belly fat (aka visceral fat) is very very often a sign of high high insulin resistance, which what that means is it means your body doesn"t deal with carbohydrates properly. What it actually means is that when you eat carbohydrates which could be pastries, sugars, fruits, anything like that, your body overproduces the hormone insulin to take the sugar out of the blood and to drive it into other parts of the body.
If you overproduce this, what happens is you just tend to get an insulin dump and this insulin dump is more likely leading you to be fat, it"s also more likely to lead you to diabetes. So this is a very important thing to address. Dealing with insulin resistance is actually fairly simple and dealing with visceral fat is something that we can actually do very successfully.
It just requires the right exercise regime. The right exercise regime is pretty much always a little bit of cardiovascular work, the primary stretch of the weight training because weight training improves insulin sensitivity in the body, and the diet, you need a diet that controls blood sugar. A diet that controls blood sugar is very simple. You need a lowered carbohydrate diet. The Atkins Diet is perfect for anyone looking to lose some fat. Go to "Google Images" and type in Atkins Diet and a food pyramid will show up giving you that diet.
So the way to lose visceral fat is to combat the insulin resistance, is to cut down on your carbohydrates intake. Rather than have cereal in the morning, have 2 or 3 eggs. Rather than have a bowl of pasta at lunch time, have a chicken salad and rather than have a pizza when you go home at night.
There are also a couple of supplements out there, put out by the same company, a company called Poliquin Performance, these supplements are called Fenuplex and Insulinomics.
These two supplements when combined have a lot of success in dealing with beer bellies in my experience. They help really strip out that visceral fat and enable your body to use that visceral fat as an energy source above using subcutaneous fat and the belly can come down extremely quickly almost like popping a balloon. .

In order to remove stomach fat you need to do alot of cardio workout. Cardio workout will include running, walking .. Etc.. Check out this website they include good cardio exercise., and soon you will remove that stomach fat. Don"t drink alot of sodas and leave the junk food. Good luck
*remember also drink lots of water .
1. Rope jumping – a jump of 15 mins per session equals 30 mins of running and burns off 200 calories
2. Dancing
3. Treadmill walking/jogging/running
4. Step aerobic
5. Swimming (indoor pool)
6.Jumping on a trampoline
7. Stair climbing
8. Stationary biking
9. Cardio kickboxing
10. Aerobic dance exercise
Do at least 30 mins continuously in one session, 3-4 times a week.
Intermediate Ab Workout To Get A Flat Stomach Fast
Superfoods to cut belly fat – Times of India
Times of IndiaSuperfoods to cut belly fatTimes of IndiaBy controlling blood sugar and insulin level, your body can maximize fat burning for energy, resulting in reduced belly fat. Garlic is also a thermogenic that boosts … They are filling and help you to resist the cravings for fast food. Moreover …
Foods Burning Belly Fat Fast
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