Saturday, May 24, 2014

Fastest Fat Burning Workouts

Questions and Answers

How fast does fat burn?

Okay i have been watching the biggest loser and they do those "last chance" workouts for maximum weight loss…now I don"t know how long before the weigh in they do those workouts…. But my question is does the fat burn during the workout?

Completely hypothetical situation: lets say I worked out for several hours would I lose 5 lbs during the workout…or would it be after the work out. When does the fat actually come off?

Its just a curious question.

I just want to say I am NOT trying to do this…it is just one of those questions you want to know the answer to.

Posted by Bambi

wilmer johnson

Depends on what you ate prior to that workout. If you ate carbs, you would first burn the carbs off. Then the fat. This is DURING the workout. But your metabolism stays reved up after the workout too.

Our bodies will burn these, in this order, if present in our body:

1) alcohol

2) carbs

3) protein (muscle)

4) fats

the key is to force your body to use only fat, for energy. And since its at the bottow of our list, therein lies the difficulty in losing fat.

Also, we burn the HIGHEST percentage of fat during…………..SLEEP. That is why low intenstiy cardio is such a good idea. Be aware, i said highest percentage, not the highest amount. Big difference.

Good luck!

P.s. Doug, if we burned fat before protein, all these kids who starve themselves of calories would be amazing thin and very muscular! As you well know, our bodies go through a process called glucogenesis where it converts stored protein (muscles) into carbs (glucose) for energy. We combat this by eating high protein and lifting weights which will protect our stored protein (muscle) and therefore force the body to used stored fat as fuel.

Workouts to burn fat fast?

I"m not looking to really lose weight, i just want to tone up and get rid of alot of fat fast…I"m 5"11 roughly 220 pounds. I"m looking for some kind of workout or routine I can use to burn my fat and what not. Tips for eating habits would be nice as well, but I"m really looking for a good workout routine. Thanks in advance

I"m a guy btw. I"m 16 and a junior in HS.

Posted by

wilmer johnson

My personal favourite is sex as you burn about 16 calories a minute…

…but given that you might want to lose weight so you can get some in the first place: -

Do 30-60 minutes of cardio (jogging, cycling, swimming, etc.) everyday or every other day (sometimes your body needs some recovery time to adapt). Generally I would suggest first thing in the morning but, anytime during the day is ok really.

Reduce what you have for dinner (possibly make it vegetarian with no carbs and proteins…but eat these during the day to compensate) so that you are just about starting to get hungry before you go to bed. You burn a lot of energy when you sleep and so having a near empty stomach will force your body to burn thru your fat reserves.

Lower ab workout? Burn fat fast?

Ive been doing sit ups and crunches and bicycle things and my top abs look great but the bottom are nonexistent. How do i burn the fat and get em to show??

Posted by thomas n

wilmer johnson

The best fat burning workout system doesn’t include dreadful, hated marathon workouts. Instead, by using bodyweight exercises, supersets, and interval training in Turbulence Training for fat loss, your fat burning workouts will go by so fast it will be over before you know it, and you’ll have fun with challenging, changing workouts.

You don’t need to do the same thing over and over again in a fat burning workout to get results. In fact, the more often you do a repetitive exercise, the greater your chance of getting an overuse injury. So you can’t go into the gym day after day and do the same workout and not expect to get hurt. It’s going to happen. You must be careful.

Constant change in your fat burning workouts is the enemy of belly fat! Your workout should change the bodyweight exercises, the supersets, and the interval training each month, plus you should have 2-3 workout options to do each week. Only programs from the fat loss experts, like Turbulence Training, do that for you.

The best fat burning workout does not need to be done in a commercial gym. In fact, you can burn fat anytime, anywhere, from a hotel room to office room, from your basement to a park. As long as you have hundreds of bodyweight exercise options, you’ll always be able to burn fat in a small amount of space in just a short amount of time.


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Six Workouts That Melt Fat In Under 20 Minutes – Men"s Fitness

Six Workouts That Melt Fat In Under 20 MinutesMen’s FitnessBut if you have only 20 minutes to pump iron, a few biceps curls and a quick jog won"t cut it—you need a workout that hits the whole body, burning as many calories as possible. Here are six workouts that melt fat in under 20 minutes. Note: If you"re …


Fastest Fat Burning Workouts

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